Thursday, January 27, 2005

Marsalis and the death of American jazz innovation

One wonders if anyone listens to jazz anymore, save old people with lp collections and overeducated New Yorkers. One of the reasons is the ubertraditionalist, Wynthon Marsalis, and his stranglehold on innovation in jazz. Marsalis' position with the Lincoln Center gives him imprimatur status -- the person who gives the stamp of legitimacy on what gets noticed and what gets played. Largely because of him, it can be argued that the American music has stagnated into a swamp of old school traditionalism and experimentalism has moved offshore to places like Paris and Stockholm. This piece contrasts Marsalis' traditionalist approach with one more concerned with being up-to-date that playing politically correct, "in-the-tradition," stale music.

village voice > music > Old School by Francis Davis

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Spent 4 rather pointless hours watching 24, Fox's weekly winter drama and my guilty pleasure. Now with the "war on terror" commonplace received wisdom, one wonders how many of these conspiracy-type yarns will grace the small screen. Powers would be would have you believe that their are terrorists under every rug.