Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Finding Spirituality in Business

Clients of business trainer and consultant Mark Silver seek to achieve business success by integrating spiritual principles in their pursuit of profit. They want to change the paradigm of business so that it doesn’t incorporate the negative aspects of extreme capitalism, such as the disregarding of social consequences, income inequality, and exploitation of labor.

As he explains in this podcast, the mission of Silver’s Heart of Business (HOB) company is to support spiritually grounded marketing and business people who want to run a small business in a way that isn’t slimy or insincere.

Although he’s a fourth generation entrepreneur, it wasn’t until he began his studies in Islamic Sufism two decades ago that he truly understood that business isn’t something that needs to be separate from spirituality. Prior to that, he’d been attempting to apply New Age principles to his business, but that approach really wasn’t working for him.

About that time, he encountered Dr. Ibrahim Jaffee, the renown physician, Sufi, and pioneer of Medical Spiritual Healing  “Yes, we can use this (work) for physical healing,” Jaffee explained, “but we can also use it for relationships, for groups and …for business.” What he learned from Jaffee, other Sufi teachers, and his lived experience formed the basis of Silver’s Heart of Business.

In this podcast, Silver explains what he’s learned in the eighteen years since he founded his company, HOB’s evolution from a primarily fixed-fee enterprise to a “pay from the heart” practice, and Silver thoughts on the destiny of Islam.



Check out the Diversity and Spirituality’s newest podcast

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Friday, September 20, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Someone has fussy kids.

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Monday, September 09, 2019

The Wounded Leader

Ten years ago, Laura Tucker participated in the now infamous Spiritual Warrior retreat in which three people died. These deaths lead to the conviction of the retreat’s leader, James Allen Ray, of three counts of negligent homicide, and became a case study of the excesses of charismatic leadership. The story of that infamous event is chronicled in the CNN documentary, “Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray.”

A leadership coach, Tucker here talks about what she learned from the incident, how to recognize authentic forms of leadership, and the forces that might cause well-intentioned charismatic individuals to veer to the dark side. 

Although it’s easy to ghettoize the Ray’s behavior as specific to New Age or self-help communities, Tucker reminds us that inappropriate leadership exists everywhere, and is endemic in political, religious and corporate life.  “We all have the capacity to slide down the continuum from authentic leadership to the egotistic, hubristic kind,” she says. 

In addition to sharing her beliefs about leadership, Tucker here talks about how her practice of self-care helped ease her passage back to post-retreat life, how encouraging others to practice self-care is central to her coaching practice, and her newest project, “The Summer of Self Care.”


  • Laura’s site
  • Diversity and Spirituality Network's site
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Check out the Diversity and Spirituality’s newest podcast

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