Friday, August 21, 2020
"Differently Abled" - The Sara Minkara Story
Don’t think of Sara Minkara as a disabled person. Think of her as “differently-abled.”
Social activist, speaker, and a winner of multiple awards, the founder of the advocacy organization Empowerment for Integration (ETI) has never let used her absence of vision of an excuse or crutch. The slew of honors she’s achieved are evidence of her accomplishments. Her awards and fellowships include the Clinton Global Initiative Outstanding Commitment Award, Forbes “30 Under 30” and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology IDEAS Global Challenge Award.
When Sara lost her sight at age seven, her mother had two options. “She has one option of wallowing in our misery and really feeling bad for herself and her kids…But she took the other path and the path of,believing in God’s will and saying there is a purpose behind this. "She said ‘I’m not going to listen to the outside world of what the world thinks about disability… I’m going to just focus on home and make sure our kids go to school and live a very much – I’m not gonna say 'normal life’ – but a full life, an integrated life and mainstream life.”
As she relates in this podcast, Minkara never set out to become a full-time advocate. “I was a math and econ major. I’m an introvert. So I had a plan of doing a PhD.” But as a sophomore at Wesleyan College, she applied for a grant from the Clinton Foundation to run an inclusive summer camp in Tripoli, Lebanon, the home of her parents. “It turned out to be impactful not only for the kids, not only for the parents in the community, but for myself, she said.
In this podcast, Minkara describes the set of circumstances that caused her to found ETI, , how people stigmatize blind people, and how anyone can be an advocate for disabled people.
- Empowerment through Integration
- ETI’s Ambassadors of Inclusion program
- Sara Minkara’s site
- Sacred Inclusion Network
- Sacred Inclusion Network's Facebook Group
- Sacred Inclusion Network's YouTube Channel
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Wednesday, August 12, 2020
"Touching the Jaguar"
Author, activist and renegade economist John Perkins traces his journey from Peace Corps volunteer to co-founding the Pachamama Alliance, a non-profit devoted to establishing a world future generations will want to inherit.
Best known for his best-selling book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Perkins describes how his life was irrevocably changed when a Shuar shaman in the Amazon jungle healed his life-threatening fever. “He healed me by helping me change my perception…and he demanded as payment for having healed me that I become his apprentice.”
Having graduated from business school before joining the Peace Corps, Perkins didn’t see a future in becoming a shaman. So instead, he became an economist and, eventually, chief economist of a major consulting company.
His job was to “identify countries that had resources our corporations coveted… and then convince that country that it should accept huge loans from the World Bank or other organizations” to pay for costly infrastructure projects.
It took him awhile, but eventually it dawned on him that the game was rigged.
The result of the countries taking out loans was not “increasing the prosperity of the people…(but) increasing the prosperity of the rich families in the country, as well as our corporations. But in fact, the people were suffering because money was diverted from health education and other social services to pay the interest on the loans.”
In this podcast, Perkins describes the common denominator of what he learned from his first shaman teacher and his work as an economist: that perceptions shape reality. Where once a shaman helped shift his view of the conditions he found threatening as a young Peace Corps volunteer, he later was also able to use data to persuade heads of countries to borrow large sums of money to pay for infrastructure projects.
The shaman he worked with taught him about the process he calls “touching the Jaguar,” the key to shifting perceptions and the title of his new book.
“‘Touching the Jaguar’ means that we identify the things that are holding us back: our barriers, our fears…When we touch that Jaguar, we receive energy from the Jaguar or wisdom or creativity that allows us to change our perception. And when we change our perception, we then can take new actions that change reality.”
That desire to positively shift perceptions is part of the origin story of the Pachamama Alliance, which Perkins, Bill and Lynn Twist founded in 1995.
The three and a team of others had traveled to the rain forest at the invitation of the Achuar, an indigenous Amazonian community.
“They came to me and asked me, 'will you help us touch the Jaguar? Help us reach out and join forces with the people we most fear – you and your people. Help us create a partnership and alliance with the people we most fear so that we can help you change your dream, and we can all work together to change the this terribly destructive dream of the modern world that’s creating a death economy.”
In this podcast, Perkins explains what he means by “the death economy.” He also gives a simple five-part series of questions that anyone can ask themselves to help them more easily get in touch with and actualize their purpose.
Perkins’ latest book is Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear Into Action To Change Your Life And The World.
- John Perkin’s site
- Pachamama Alliance
- Pachamama Alliance Global Commons (open community site)
- Sacred Inclusion Network
- Sacred Inclusion Network’s Facebook Group
- Sacred Inclusion Network's YouTube Channel
- Like the podcast? Support us on Patreon!
Check out the Diversity and Spirituality’s newest podcast
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