Saturday, October 08, 2005

Jello Gets Hit with the Smartphone Bug

Well, I did it. I went and got myself a Samsung i730 Smartphone. My Palm semi-crashed and I used that excuse to go to the Verizon store. Despite my relatively impoverished state, I was tired of carrying around a pda and a phone and wanted a portable device that did everything. I settled on the Samsung, because it DOES everything. I've spent much of the weekend studying it plus accessorizing it. Perhaps I'll soon get down to doing some "actual work."

Anyway, I found this link on free phone software you might find interest...Free is sometimes good and sometimes not..."Buyer" beware.

"Free mobile software websites

By Wendong on Palm OS

1. GetJar

Via is a good site to get free Java, Symbian, Palm or Pocket PC Softwares. And it provides device-specific RSS feeds, so you can monitor free software based on your phone model.


J2ME Freeware
S60 Freeware
UIQ Freeware


This website is around for a long time.


It lists some free games


A great resource site for Palm OS. But it also has a list of open source projects for Pocket PC.

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