When I confessed to Jim Brown that I routinely block the loudest political voices from my Facebook stream, he told me that my approach was misguided and that I should engage them instead.Brown, who facilitates our Saturday Online Community Exploration, is one of a growing number of bridge-builders who thinks it’s high time, as the title of his book opines, to end our uncivil war. He’ll share how he came to this point of view, how he manages the minefield of social media, and strategies to bridge the them-versus-us divide.It’s an undisputed fact that there’s a higher degree of polarization than ever before. Differences in Ideology, race, and religion mean that many people live in “look-like-me” or “think-like me” silos: crossing divides only when forced to do so. This polarization exists not just in the United States but across the globe, from Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil to Boris Johnson’s United Kingdom to Recept Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey. Jim Brown and a growing numbers of individuals and organizations are working to reverse this trend. Groups like Better Angels bring people together across partisan divides, while AllSides seeks to cover news from all sides of the political spectrum.In our podcast interview, Brown talks about the four strategies he favors to bridge them-versus us divides: service commitment, spiritual renewal, scholastic independence and systematic government reform. This Saturday, we’ll focus on the first two strategies plus practice how to depolarize potentially polarized situations. I hope you’ll join us.You can learn more about Brown by going to his website.Here’s how to participate this Saturday.When: Saturday, January 18, 11 AM EST. Check your timezone here.Where: Online, see belowHow to Participate:
Preregister: Send us a blank email for priority access OR
Show up “at the door” by joining us online: https://zoom.us/j/293138919 at exploration time or Or iPhone one-tap :
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Here’s hoping to see you online,
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