Friday, July 19, 2024

Message of the Day: Long Wave, Short Wave

Message of the Day: Long Wave, Short Wave

green coloured trails of light

Today's message is called Long Wave/Short Wave and focuses on the realm of sound waves and their impact on our consciousness.

The Short Wave carries the everyday sounds that constantly bombard us, akin to the AM radio band – reaching far but often filled with static. These are the fleeting conversations, the news cycle, and the general noise of daily life.

The Long Wave resides on a higher frequency than the short wave, and often requires effort to access. This is the realm of the Sound Current, often experienced through practices like meditation, prayer, and chanting. Tuning into this long wave can bring profound benefits, including:

- Reduced stress and increased peace of mind: By shifting our focus from the constant chatter of the short wave, we can find inner calm and tranquility.
- Access to higher forms of knowledge: The long wave carries subtle information that transcends the mundane, offering insights into deeper truths and wisdom.

Breaking Free from the Short Wave: Like many, I often find myself caught in the short-term filter of information overload. However, moments of clarity break through occasionally, revealing the fleeting nature of my preoccupations. These glimpses inspire me to spend more time seeking the long wave and tune my inner ear to higher frequencies.

Your Journey to the Long Wave: Does this long form/short analogy resonate with your experience?

And if it does, what practices or activities help you connect with the long wave?

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